Favorite sites 1

                           French version




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Baïnes Motos

33320 Eysines


Tel :

Fax :

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Jacques Galharret is a great  specialist of KTM, Husaberg, TM, Husqvarna Enduro and motocross motorbikes in Bordeaux area. Stop by, talk to Jacques about Enduro,  treks in Senegal and Tunisia, Optic 2000 Rally.   Jacques is a very good off road racing biker and a mecanic expert. 

Entreprise Massias

33450 Saint Loubés


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Company producing special vehicles for Firefighters. 

Carrosserie St Aubert


17412 Saint d'Angély 


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Commercial vehicle bodywork. Custom vehicles for specific tasks manufactured by experienced staff. 

Hassan MAIGA 


BP 9 Saint Louis Sénégal

Tel : 00.221.633.44.10    

Fax: 00.221.961.50.04



Retour page   

Hassan organizes treks on request in Senegal and in Mauritania.  You will discover the desert with a real Touareg who will certainly become  a friend of yours.

Bernard Tartois



The Home Page of journeys in motorhome.

Having a look on Bernard's web site is already going on a trip. 

This motorhome web site is the most popular.  



E-group for beginner and webmaster expert.



Motorhome fans E-group in French.
http://www.xor.org.uk/unimog/campermog.htm If you like Unimog trucks, have a look.
http://mparez.multimania.com A trip around Mediterranean sea in 4WD truck
http://www.ign.fr Maps for most African countries.


 Mad of Unimog truck!!! 

 Join the Unimog Club of France




Do you want to test your off road bike, your new 4WD in Tunisia, in Morocco, in Libya or even in Mauritania??? give a call to Christian. his organization is top.




Alain Guillard is a fan of motorhome travels  . Have a look at his web site, hundred and hundred information are available.





Jean-Pierre has just inaugurated a special spot for motorhome at Freixo de Numao in Portugal. You should go to his web site to visit this small village. But also a lot of information related to trips all over Europ are available with good spots to fill up the water tank, to drain liquid waste, or simply to have a rest in a secured nice place.



The must rustic web site about  motorhome travels. And yes rustic but with a lot of invaluable addresses.


You like  4WD camper, have a look on Patrick's web site. it smells good the Pyrenees mountains.



Beautiful off road pictures of Toyota serie 7   


Knowing all about motorhome, have a look on Guy's web site 


Specialist of expedition trucks 4x4, 6x6, 8x8  equipped with a camper  


the web site of  4x4 fans


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